League of Legends: Champion Tier List and Meta Picks for Season 2024

Samanta Blumberg


League of Legends: Champion Tier List and Meta Picks for Season 2024

Welcome to the ultimate guide for League of Legends (LoL) Season 2024, where we uncover the top champion picks and tier list rankings. As the meta constantly evolves, staying updated with the latest shifts is crucial for players aiming to excel. This guide is tailored to help you understand the current state of play and identify which champions are dominating the Rift this season.

Understanding the Meta

The meta, short for 'metagame', refers to the current strategy, champion selection, and playstyle that are considered most effective in the game. In Season 2024, the meta has seen substantial shifts due to recent balance updates, with a focus on early game aggression and map control. Climbing the ranked ladder now requires a solid understanding of these dynamics and the ability to play meta champions proficiently.

Top Lane Dominators

Top lane has always been the battlefield for bruisers and tanks, but this season introduces a mix of agility and toughness. Champions like Garen and Fiora remain steadfast in their tier standings, while Yone has risen as a formidable pick due to his split-push capability and late-game power spikes.

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Jungle High Flyers

The jungle role is pivotal for securing objectives and map control. Champions such as Ekko and Elise have emerged as top picks this season. Their ability to adapt to various playstyles and execute early ganks makes them highly valuable for teams looking to dominate from the start.

Mid Lane Maestros

Mid lane plays a critical role in influencing the game's outcome, and Season 2024 sees Zed and Ahri leading the pack. Their exceptional burst damage and mobility allow for aggressive plays and lane dominance, making them key contenders for anyone looking to control the mid-game.

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Bot Lane Rulers

In the bot lane, synergy between the AD carry and support is crucial. This season, Jhin and Ashe stand out as top AD carry picks, while Thresh and Yuumi are the go-to supports for their utility and play-making potential.

Support Champions to Watch

Supports play a significant role in vision control and setting up kills. Nautilus and Leona have emerged as heavy hitters in Season 2024, offering both tankiness and crowd control to swing team fights in their favor.

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S-Tier Champions

The S-Tier is reserved for champions with the highest win rates and play rates. This season, Ekko (Jungle), Garen (Top), Zed (Mid), Jhin (ADC), and Thresh (Support) claim the top spots due to their versatility and overall impact in games.

A-Tier Champions

Not far behind, the A-Tier champions are also highly effective but require a bit more skill and knowledge to maximize their potential. This includes Yone (Top), Elise (Jungle), Ahri (Mid), Ashe (ADC), and Yuumi (Support).

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B-Tier and Below

While not at the pinnacle of tier rankings, B-Tier and lower-ranked champions can still be powerful in the right hands and under specific circumstances. Mastery of these champions can often lead to strategic advantages over more popular picks.

Adapting to Season 2024 Meta

The key to success in Season 2024 lies in adaptability and a deep understanding of the current meta. Players should focus on mastering several champions within their preferred roles, paying close attention to those within the S and A tiers.



The League of Legends Season 2024 tier list and meta picks highlight the importance of staying adaptable and informed. By focusing on top-tier champions and honing your skills on the Rift, you can leverage the meta to your advantage and climb the ranked ladder more effectively.

Remember, the meta can shift with every patch, so keeping abreast of changes and adjusting your champion pool accordingly is crucial for maintaining an edge over your opponents. Good luck on the Fields of Justice!
